The wait is over for all fans of Ram Charan and Chiranjeevi. The long delayed film Maghadheera with Ram Charan as hero and Kajal Agarwal as heroine is now finally slated for release on July 22. Producer of the film Allu Aravind is releasing the film with a record number of prints.
Magadheera is a socio-fantasy that is set in a timeframe of 400 years. Sri Hari plays a key role in the film. The film will also bring together Ram Charan and
Chiranjeevi for the remix song ‘Bangaru Kodipetta’.
MM Keeravani is the music director. The audio of Magadheera will be released at a special function in Hyderabad on June 28. Chiranjeevi will be the chief gust at the audio release function.